Thursday, October 14, 2010

My experience when i created this blog

My experience was very discouraging because  i had troubles with the computer, it was switching itself off and i had to move from computer to computer, making it very hard fustrating. But all in all it taught me something, to be patient.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela "Madiba" is different from other African leaders in alot of ways. Madiba is an inspiration to alot of people around the world and to many leaders  across the globe. He was jailled for allmost three decades,where he and the others suffered. Most people thought that Madiba would come out of jail with a cold heart, wanting to take revenge but they never thought that he would come out the opposite of what they thought of him. Mandela's long humiliation jail experience tought him alot thats why i strongly believe that this experience had a positive infect on him because he never came out secking for revenge but he forgave, loved and understood everyone hence he had a different approach to the war at hand which is to love.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Fear or phobia

Fear is a normal feeling/expression but obsession for our fears can cause us real harm,it results into a phobias. In this case of my story, the grandfather had certain ritual believes that made him believe. The grandfather believed that a shotting star meant death or something bad is instore for you. To him this was a fear at first because he never experienced it before, it latter became a phobia when he experienced it. We saw in the text when it said "his mind became restive, suddenly he thought of his wife, of her death and of hi own age" Here we can see that he began to be pre occupied(obsessed) with the idea, which is a sign of phobias. Than it said " he began to sweat and was obsessed with the idea that something terrible and black in readiness to crush the life from him. His  face changed, he became more and more stricken by the fear of death. In short i strongly believe tha this was an abnormal fear(a phobia). The other phobia that people tend to have is the fear of  haights, it is pretty normal to be scared of jumping from a tall building but it is not normal for someone to be scared of being in the tollest building or going up the stairs or even being in an elevator(lift), this is a phobia and it limits some people's fun, e.g climbing the highest mountain in the world,  i mean that would just be fun! The best way to dealing with our fears is to face them, there is no better way than that.